Two Truck Convoys Leave a Depot, Convoy a Traveling East

Phuoc Vinh Base Army camp

Being ane of the before bases, established already in 1965, Phuoc Vinh Base Camp was an integral function of the build up of U.South. military presence in Vietnam. Phuoc Vinh Base Camp, as well called Military camp Gorvad, was to be one of the more than important bases covering War Zone D. The base was located along the main road betwixt Saigon and Dong Xoai about lxx kilometers north east of Saigon.

Special Forces camp at Phuoc Vinh Base of operations Campsite

Initially it was a base for the 1st Infantry Partitioning and later in November 1968 the 1st Cavalry Division moved in and had its rear here equally well as up in Quan Loi. As we understand, the Division Headquarters was located here in Phuoc Vinh, The Cavalry stayed until 1971. The location meant this large installation was isolated in a very hostile area with no larger bases in its immediate vicinity. Convoys used to come up from Bien Hoa with supplies, pregnant they had to cross the Vocal Be river and the sometime diddled up span. The Song Be Bridge itself is an interesting destination which has its own folio here on the website.

Base area at Phuoc Vinh Base of operations Army camp

Convoys would besides proceed due north to Dong Xoai and further up to Quan Loi. Visiting the site isn't entirely easy as the People'due south Army has a big base there. We weren't really enlightened of the presence at our visit as we drove straight in to the rails from the eastern end where the Special Forces camp used to be located. That expanse is now a shooting range for the People's Army. Besides of the runway, there really isn't much left of the onetime camp that we could discover. The only edifice of significance we could detect is a church similar building that is clearly visible in old pictures of the camp, it was white then. Now it is painted in a yellow cream color that seems to be popular on many Vietnamese regime buildings.

Phuoc Vinh edifice within the old camp surface area

We decided to drive effectually the camp to enter from the due south on the chief road from boondocks. There we asked someone who seemed to have authority if we could drive the track and it seemed to be O.1000. We rode along the runway that stretches more than 1000 meters. Although there were no signs saying this was a restricted area, we felt we weren't welcome on the runway so we made this only a short drive.

At the south side of the runway is too a cemetery where soldiers from the PAVN and possibly VC are buried. We had no time to become in this time just will make certain to pay a visit next fourth dimension we drive by. Our position on this website is to show our respect for both sides. The cemetery is located on the site of where the base camp itself was. In the video above we are driving around the former camp area. There are mostly Ground forces and other Government installations there now.

Base expanse at Phuoc Vinh Base of operations Military camp

Due to the potential difficulties of visiting this place, we don't recommend to have Phuoc Vinh Base of operations Camp as the primary destination for a trip in the area. Instead we would recommend information technology as a secondary site for those who are visiting other places in the expanse. Simply every bit we got there, we were very pleased to meet the rails and the surrounding areas and we will get back with the ambition of spending more time on the untouched scrub area adjacent to the runway as we believe there volition be remains of the old army camp there.


How to go there

Admission by road from either Bien Hoa or Thu Dau Mot in the south or from Dong Xoai in the north along the DT741 main road. The route is in expert condition and it is a couple of hours drive from Saigon.

Decimal coordinates: eleven.298056, 106.795278

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