How Do I Put Pc Hardware on My Resume

Scroll down to run across a pitch-perfect computer technician resume. Just ask yourself a question first:

Sent your computer technician resume but never heard back? Experience like they might demand a phone repairman instead?

You're perfect for the job. Yet you've heard zippo but crickets.

The telephone isn't trouble. Yous're non the trouble.

Your resume is the problem.

Fixing your computer technician resume is easier than fixing most of the problems you have to deal with on the job.

Here's a sample resume for a computer technician fabricated using our resume builder.

Want to save time and have your resume ready in 5 minutes? Try our resume builder. It'southward fast and easy to employ. Plus, you lot'll get gear up-made content to add with one click. Encounter twenty+ resume templates and create your resume hither.

1 of our users, Nikos, had this to say:

[I used] a squeamish template I found on Zety. My resume is now one page long, not three. With the same stuff.

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  • The Best Resume Examples for All Jobs


What'southward the All-time Format for a Computer Technician Resume?

Zilch will kill your chances of getting hired faster than choosing the wrong format for your computer technician resume.

How fast?

Seven seconds. That'south the average fourth dimension recruiters take to scan a resume, according to our HR statistics report.

In six seconds, you need to answer the burning question on the recruiter and hiring managers' minds: Is this candidate qualified for the job?

Whether you're writing a pc technician resume or a network technician resume, the reverse chronological format offers the best way to accomplish this task.

Hither'south why:

  • Your recent, relevant experience offers the all-time proof you'll get things done.
  • It's the almost mutual format, so recruiters will detect the information they demand apace.
  • It shows your career growth.

Now choose the correct font for your resume. It'due south more of import than yous may realize. Stick with a font that's easy to read and professional looking like Arial, Helvetica, Calibri, or Verdana.

Then, salvage your calculator technician resume as a PDF. It's the best mode to preserve the layout and formatting.

Be conscientious: not all Applicant Tracking Systems (programs that rate resumes) can handle PDFs. Be sure to bank check the requirements when submitting.

In sure cases, a unlike format may work improve. For example, if you lot accept employment gaps or are looking to change careers, your employment history may create more questions than answers. See 3 Resume Formats: How to Choose the Best One [Examples] for guidance.

Wondering how long should your resume exist? Aim for 1 folio—especially if you're writing an entry-level computer tech resume.

Got gigabytes of relevant experience? Don't worry if you need two pages to fit it in. Especially if you lot're self-employed and writing a freelance computer technician resume. You've worked on projects for unlike people and companies. Permit that experience smooth!


How to Write a Computer Technician Resume Summary or Resume Objective

Moving picture this...

Y'all're browsing Netflix for something new to watch. A title catches your middle. How do you decide whether you lot're going to invest the time to consume this content?

If you're similar most people, you read the summary.

It'south no dissimilar with a resume. A proficient summary for a computer technician resume tin build interest and describe recruiters and hiring managers in.

A poor computer tech summary can brusque-excursion the recruitment process.

Writing a good reckoner technician resume summary isn't difficult to do if you lot follow these steps.

First, read the computer technician job description. Take annotation of important requirements and skills—the resume keywords.

Next, recollect of the specific skills, experience and accomplishments that all-time match these requirements.

Finally, put it together in a succinct paragraph that communicates your unique value.

Here are ii examples of figurer technician resume summaries:


CompTIA A+ certified computer technician specializing in troubleshooting and configuring Windows-based technology. Ticket clearance rate in top 1%. Focus on speed and communication with a proven runway record of customer satisfaction and productivity.


Knowledgeable estimator technician with feel in troubleshooting, hardware configuration and software installation. Combines excellent technical and people skills.

Which resume summary suggests the better computer repair technician?

That's right, the first one. But here's the twist: both come from the aforementioned candidate.

In the wrong example of a computer tech resume summary, the candidate only listed his responsibilities.

In the right case? He turned his computer repair technician responsibilities into achievements and put a number on what matters most. Plus, he highlighted the fact he'southward a certified computer tech.

When making a resume in our builder, drag & drop bullet points, skills, and automobile-fill the boring stuff. Spell check? Cheque. Offset building aprofessional resume template here for complimentary.

Create the perfect resume

When you're done, Zety's resume builder will score your resume and tell you exactly how to make information technology meliorate.

Are y'all writing an entry-level calculator technician resume with no experience to boast about in a summary?

Fearfulness not. You can accomplish the same affair with a resume objective on a figurer tech support resume.

A resume objective is a brusque argument at the offset of a resume that introduces you, expresses your desire for the position and provides reasons the potential employer should consider hiring you.

Pro Tip: Don't let the proper noun fool y'all. While your objective is to become a job, your resume objective should be about the employer's needs. Utilize phrases that speak to the benefits of your qualifications.

Yous can make your computer technician resume objective read like a summary.

Read the computer technician job clarification and match the requirements to your qualifications, including education, certifications and transferable skills.

Here's where it differs. Since you'll be competing with candidates who have more straight experience, you need to demonstrate a stronger desire to help the employer achieve their goals.

Here'due south an case of an an entry-level figurer technician resume objective:


Detail-oriented calculator technician with strong troubleshooting and communication skills seeking an opportunity to aid decrease reanimation due to computer issues.

Including specifics conveys you're looking for a good company fit, non just any figurer tech job.


Seeking a reckoner technician position with a company in the New York area.

What'south in information technology for the employer? It's not clear from this estimator repair technician resume example.

Want to see more examples of estimator technician resume objectives and summaries? Read our guides: How to Write a Resume Summary: 21 Best Examples Y'all Will Come across and +20 Resume Objectives Examples - Use Them on Your Resume (Tips)


How to Describe Your Calculator Technician Feel

More than than any other section of your resume, this is where you prove you've got what it takes to practice the job.

Only only If you do it right.

Here'southward how:

List relevant jobs in reverse-chronological society. Potential employers are almost interested in your recent computer technician experience.

For each job, describe the telescopic of your responsibilities. Just here's the trick—

Don't waste space listing your computer technician duties and responsibilities. Employers know what you were told to practise. They desire to know how well you did information technology.

Customize each bullet bespeak to the position yous're targeting. Show that you have feel doing what the company will need you to do if they hire you. Focus on achievements on your resume.

Compare these ii calculator technician resume samples:

  • Analyzed organisation performance of 85 machines to prioritize and schedule software and hardware upgrades across the enterprise.
  • Spearheaded troubleshooting process initiative that cut reanimation due to computer and network problems by l%.
  • Responsible for planning and installing arrangement upgrades.
  • Troubleshoot and prepare computer and network issues.

Notice how much more powerful your descriptions are when they include specific achievements?

Want to brand your feel sound equally skillful as the example above? Use bullet points to make each accomplishment easy to read. And quantify whenever possible. Numbers speak louder than words!

Pro Tip: Use no more than than six bullet points for each position. People won't remember the points if there are too many.

When describing your work experience, add together even more power with action words. No more than responsible for this, managed that. Remember, your experience is about the action yous've taken.

As with everything else in this section, you lot should tailor it to the position yous're applying to.

Permit's say, for instance, that the advertizement the employer is looking for someone with trouble-solving skills. You'd want to apply verbs such as devised, analyzed and enhanced.

Need help choosing the best action words for any situation? See our guide: +80 Examples of Resume Action Words for Every Profession


Is Your Education Section Underperforming? It Might Be

The education section of a reckoner technician resume is simple. Merely add together your degree and schoolhouse and move on, right?

Not necessarily.

Remember, you're beingness judged by everything on your resume. If you want the task, you need to advisedly consider every word. The education section is no exception.

If you are a recent graduate or current pupil writing a resume for an entry-level computer technician position this is the perfect place to showcase educational accomplishments. This tin beginning lack of experience.

Pro Tip: Highlight relevant coursework to evidence you are qualified in areas where you don't have chore feel.

If y'all are more experienced, then you don't need to include equally much, because you want employers to focus on your experience more than.

At a minimum you lot should include:

  • The type of degree y'all received.
  • Your major/modest.
  • The name of your school.
  • The school'south location.
  • The year you graduated.

Pb with your most impressive information. That means listing your highest caste first. But it also applies to how you structure your listings.


BA Informatics, 2014

Purdue Academy, West Lafayette, IN


Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN

BA Informatics, 2014

  • GPA: three.3

If your degree is in a field related to your position, that will be most relevant to employers. Merely what if your caste is in something else? Then listing the school first might be a better option, especially if it'south prestigious.

For more advice on crafting your teaching section, check out our commodity: How To Put Your Education On A Resume [Tips & Examples]


How to Put Skills on a Resume for a Estimator Technician

A computer technician job requires a unique set of technical skills. Employers want to know you take these. But those aren't the only skills that belong on a computer technician's resume .

Employers as well desire candidates with a variety of difficult skills and soft skills.

Hard skills are teachable and specific to an industry or job title. Examples for computer technician include software and hardware expertise, troubleshooting proficiency, and the ability to install and maintain network peripherals.

Soft skills are interpersonal skills such as leadership and the power to finer communicate. These are helpful in simply near every job and industry. Job postings frequently list the soft skills they are seeking.

Pro Tip: Don't limit your skills to merely this section. Include skills keywords throughout your resume to get through Bidder Tracking Systems.

Choose the skills that are most relevant to the position. The task clarification is a great place to start, especially for the technical skills. Besides check out the LinkedIn profiles of figurer technicians who have worked for companies similar to the one yous're applying to. This will give you a ameliorate idea of the skills these employers value most.

But don't only list skills in a word or ii. Add together context, specifics and facts or figures to stand out.

correct wrong

Proficient in Windows, Linux and Mac operating systems

Operating systems knowledge

Troubleshoot 95% of hardware/software bug within xxx minutes


Power to communicate technical information in plain language

Advice skills

Estimator Technician Skills

Hardware Proficiency (list specific platforms)

Software Proficiency (list specific programs)


Systems Analysis

Network Security

Network Architecture

Installation and Configuration

Server Maintenance

Advice Skills

Customer Back up

Time Management

Analytical Skills

See this list of skills to put on a reckoner technician resume? Some work better on a computer hardware technician resume, others on computer network technician resumes. You'll know which to highlight—especially once you focus on the job description from the ad.

Having trouble deciding which skills to listing on your resume? Read our guide: 30 Best Examples of What Skills to Put on a Resume (Proven Tips)


How to Add Other Sections for an Effective Resume

If you followed the steps upwardly to this indicate, you have a pretty compelling reckoner technician resume. Only a cynical recruiter may even so have doubts. How tin can he be certain you are as good as y'all merits?

Easy. Include a section that highlights your additional qualifications, such every bit certification or licenses. These add a level of proof and credibility.

Be sure to prioritize these for each application. If you the visitor uses Cisco products, for example, your CCNP, CCNA or CCiE certification should be at or well-nigh the meridian of the list.

Pro Tip: Create a chief list of relevant certifications, licenses and awards, So cull the most relevant for each position each time you personalize your resume.

Only what if yous're still working on certifications?

If you are a electric current student or contempo graduate, yous can include a department for awards, honors or even relevant extracurricular activities.

The of import thing is to demonstrate traits that requite employers confidence in your ability and your character.

Did you know that yous may also exist able list hobbies and interests? Find out if yous should and how: +20 Best Examples of Hobbies & Interests to Put on a Resume [5 Tips]


Hither'southward the Most Common Myth Nearly Comprehend Letters

I'yard sure you've heard this myth earlier. In fact, it's so widespread that even major job sites get it wrong. And it's killing task seekers' chances of landing their dream task. It can practise the same to yours.

And then what is information technology?

That cover messages are optional.

I get why people would believe information technology. A busy recruiter barely has time to get through the stack of resumes on her desk-bound, let solitary a cover letter.

Merely that'due south exactly why they are and so important. A recruiter has to pare down that stack before taking a closer expect. And an easy way to do that is to eliminate whatever that don't include a cover letter. After all, if you skip this step, what steps volition you skip on the task?

That's not merely my theory. Statistics show upward to 45% of recruiters will turn down resumes without cover letters.

You do, yet, want to be concise. Focus on highlighting the most important traits that make you a great fit for the job and conclude by asking for a meeting to discuss things in more detail.

You too want to sound warm and personal. Nobody volition be impressed by a generic grade letter. If possible, use the name of the hiring director or recruiter.

And if yous desire to stand out, include a bit of information that shows you've done your homework. You lot can usually find something with a quick search of the website and news feeds.

Plus, a great cover letter that matches your resume will give you an advantage over other candidates. You tin write information technology in our cover letter of the alphabet builder here. Here'southward what it may await like:

matching set of resume and cover letter

See more cover letter templates and start writing.

For a paragraph-past-paragraph breakdown of what to write, see our guide: How To Write A Embrace Letter [Complete Guide With Examples]

Key Takeaway

Want a figurer technician resume that gets more than jobs? Practice this:

  • Personalize. Above all, employers are looking for a candidate who is a expert fit for the company.
  • Mirror the requirements and keywords they used in the job description and your resume and cover letter for that computer tech position volition stand out. It's a little more than work than just creating one resume and sending it out whenever yous apply to something. But information technology'due south worth the endeavour.
  • Pack your resume full of action verbs and quantify whenever possible.

Practise you nevertheless take questions virtually how to make a figurer technician resume? Give us a shout in the comments section!

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